Aalborg 154
abortions 55,56
ACCs(Allied Control Commissions) 318,332-3
Acheson,Dean 71,289-90,363-4
Adams,Alicia 18
Adenauer,Konrad 160
Adler,Hans Guenther 135
Agriculture Ministry 293,334-5
AK(Armia Krajowa,Polish Home Army) 3-4,222,332,336
Akcja Wisła(Operation Vistula) 224-8,229,370,372,373
Chams 248
Communists 331
execution of Xoxe 338
alcohol 98,107-8
Aldea,Aurel 324
Allied armies
allowing revenge by Jewish camp survivors 90-91
attempts to feed the starving 38-9
cosmopolitan make-up 267
destruction caused by 6,11
in the face of vengeance on collaborators 146-7,150,152
and former slave labourers 99,100-104
and Greece 299,300
in Holland 36
and the landscape of chaos xvi,69-72,76
liberation by 20,45
military control of displaced persons 101-4
and the myth of the communist‘lost victory’ 291-2
sexual violence 52
and the UN 64-5
vengeance excesses 76
Allied Control Commissions(ACCs) 318,332-3
Alsace,Natzweiler-Struthof camp 81-2
Alversdorf 243
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 192,207
amnesties 120,154,155,291,301,349
on revenge killings 131,148
Amsterdam 36,193,197
Andreas-Friedrich,Ruth 46
Andrzej C.(a Pole from Warsaw) 24-5,29-30,44
Angoulême 281-3
anti-Semitism see Jews:anti-Semitism,extermination and loss of
Antonescu,Ion 162,316-17
Antonicelli,Franco 150
anxiety 45,55
Arletty 172
Armia Krajowa(AK,Polish Home Army) 3-4,222,332,336
Arro,Kalev 357
Arrow Cross party,Hungary 146
assimilation,forced 224-9
Athens 35,37,296,299-300
Atlantic Charter 221,230
L’Aube 284
Auschwitz concentration camp 80,135,137
Aussig 130,180
Allied Control Commission 332
and the Bleiburg tragedy 252-62
collaborators of the Nazis 155,156
displaced persons camps 102,103,208
Slovenian Guards/National Army in 254,260
Soviet treatment of Austrian women 53
‘Avengers’ 92
born in foreign countries to a German father 164,172-4,175-8
‘foreign’babies born to German women 55
violence and the killing of 50,51,53,130,139,173,205,216
Bacque,James 112-13,116,121-2,124
Bad Hersfeld camp 115-16
Bad Kreuznach camp 115,116
Badoglio,Pietro 151
Baedeker,Karl 3,4
Balsam,Harry 206
Baltic States see also Estonia;Latvia;Lithuania
battle of Kalniškës,341-5,358
ending of the war xv,367
‘Forest Brothers’and their resistance to communism 341-58;end of the resistance 354-6
nationalist fighting xv,340,343-58
partisans 50,343-58
territorial losses and gains 342
ultra-nationalists 162
Baneth,Edith 17
Banija 262
Battaglia,Roberto 151
Battocchio,Republic of 277
Bauer,Yehuda 209
Bavaria 52
Bayer,Zsolt 369
BBC 81,167
BDPS(General Democratic Resistance Movement,Lithuania) 350
beatings see torture
Bednarka 225
Belarus 44,220,222,352
death toll in war 16
destruction in 6,10
Jews 18,19
Minsk 6,18
collaborators of the Nazis 145,146,147,148,149,150,154,155,156,158
covering of ethnic problems 249
ejection of Communists 362
food rationing 37
Resistance 148,149,159
Walloons 249,267
Belunek,Jan 85
Beneš,Edvard 130-31,246
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp 84-7
children’s drawings of a hanging 57
cosmopolitanism 266
crime 46
destruction in 7,8
foreign workers 96
looting 44
rape 54,55
vagrant children 24
Berlusconi,Silvio 375,376
Berman,Jakub 206
Bertaux,Pierre 288
Bevin,Ernest 209
Bezigrad camp 261
Bibo,István 67
Bielenberg,Christabel 52
Bielicka,Maria 46-7
Bivongi 277
Black Brigades 149,152,153,179
black market 37,38,45,47-8,67,107-8,202,293,303-4
Błaszczyk,Henryk 204-6
Bleiburg tragedy 252-62
Blitz 6
blood libel 199-200,204
blood thirst 75-7 see also vengeance
Blunt,Roscoe 42-3
Bodnăraş,Emil 323
Böhl camp 114
Bohm,Fred 83
Bomporto 285
Bonnet,Abel 281
Bormann,Martin 58
Bosnia 251,262
Bounin,Jacques 285
Bracker,Milton 82
Bradley,Omar 82
Brasillach,Robert 172
bread 35
Breitburg,Victor 17
Breslau 233 see also Wrocław
Brest-Litovsk 210
Brichah 207-9
Britain/the British
black market 48
and the Bleiburg tragedy 253-4
British war stories 61-2,372
conscription 66
cult of heroism 61-2
and the death camps 80-81,84-8
death toll in war 13
destruction in 6
and the expulsion of Germans from Poland 243
food shortages 34
German prisoners of war 122-3,132
and Greece 295-6,298-300,309,310
and the Jewish flight to Palestine 208-11
medical teams 242
Ministry of Information 80-81
myth-building 372
Nazi ideology mirrored in British press 59
Operation Swallow 243
postwar sphere of influence 295
prisoners of war 27,96
propaganda 87-8
and Romania 325,326
Second World War as a British national industry 372
social reform 66-7,278
soldiers allowing revenge by Jewish camp survivors 90-91
treatment of SS men 86-7
VE day celebrations 23
brotherhood 63-5 see also national unity
Brussels 147
Bucharest 319,322,335
Buchenwald concentration camp 82-3
Ohrdruf camp 82,83
Budapest 6,39,199
Büderich camp 116
Buechner,Howard E. 84
Bulgaria/Bulgarians 295,365-6,370
Allied Control Commission 332
collaborators of the Nazis 155
Communists 334,337,338-9
expulsion of Turks and Gypsies 248
farmers 20
and Greeks 70;massacre of Greek communities 21,50
Jews 20
Justice Ministry 334
‘People’s Courts’ 334
and Russia 53
Bushyhead,Jack 83-4
butter 34,47-8
Buxtehude 101
Byford-Jones,William 24,57,241
Caen 6
Calabria 151,277,286,293
Calitri 277
Calsteren,Eric van 136-7
Camini 277
cannibalism 85-6,120
Caransa,Ab 195
Carlsbad(Karlovy Vary) 29
Cassation,Italian Court of 152-3
Castelbajac,Pierre de 284
Catholic Church 206
Catholic education 228
forced conversion to 252
in Romania 327-8
in Yugoslavia 251
Caulonia,Peasant Republic of 277,294
Cham Albanians 248
Channel Islands 170
Chełmno concentration camp 22,50
Chetniks 251,252,260,264
abduction of 199-200
babies see babies
born in foreign countries to a German father 164,172-4,175-8
displaced 27,238,241 see also orphans;in prison camps after the war 130,136-7,138;in prisoner-of-war camps 115;unaccompanied German children expelled from Poland 238
gangs 24,46
German 55,58;in Czechoslovakia after the war 132;teenagers 58-9
juvenile delinquency 45,58
and morality 57-9
ostracism of 172-8
teenagers 58-9
vagrant 24
vengeance on 75-6,130,172-8
war orphans 23-6,57
youth crime 58
Christian Democrats 279,283,285
Catholic see Catholic Church
Orthodox 328
Uniate 328
Churchill,Winston 36,64,111-12,220,221,230,231,279,295,296,298,300
cities,destruction in 3-8
civil war
Communist takeover of Romania see Romania/Romanians:communism
‘Forest Brothers’and their resistance to communism 340-58
Greek see Greece/Greeks:civil war
and the ideological struggle of nationalism with communism 362-4
Poland/Ukraine see ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine
political violence in France and Italy 276-94
and the subjugation of Eastern Europe 331-9
wars within wars 271-5
Yugoslavia see Yugoslavia:ethnic conflict
Clay,Lucius D. 89,243,244,370
Cluj 326
Clydebank 6
Cognac 281
Cold War xv,65,231,313,368-9
polarization of Europe in 359-64,361
and the treatment of Communists by‘democratic’countries 359-64
The Colditz Story 61
collaborators of the Nazis xv,145-62,193
and the construction of convenient myths 158-62
dehumanization of 145
and the failure of the purge across Europe 154-8
Greek collaborationist Security Battalions 303,305,306,309-10,312
and the Italian purge 146,147-8,149-53
judicial punishment of 148-9,152-8;comparison table across countries 156
myth-building by 372
punishment for different categories of 157;women who had relationships with German soldiers 163-72
Ustashas see Ustashas
violence against 50,145-7,149-51,152-8
in Yugoslavia 252-64 see also Ustashas
Cologne 7,8
Communist Information Bureau(Cominform) 314
Communists/communism 70,159,162,268,278-9
Albania 331
and Allied Control Commissions(ACCs) 318,332-3
anti-Communist resistance 63,290-91,340-41;‘Forest Brothers’341-58;ideological struggle of nationalism with communism 279,362-4;Ukraine 340-41
and Bulgaria 334,337,338-9
and civil war:France and Italy 276-94;Greece see Greece/Greeks:civil war;Romania see Romania/Romanians:communism;Yugoslavia 251,252,253-61
Cominform 314
Communist indoctrination 228
Communist resistance 63,184,290-91;Greece 296-8,297,299,300-309,310-12
and Czechoslovakia 63,331-2,335,336,337,338;Czech heroes 63
and the duty and opportunity of hatred 366,367-8
Francs-Tireurs et Partisans 168
French Communist Party 280
goal of 179
and Greece 295-314;defeat of communism in Greece 309-12;Greek Communist Party 296-8,305,311-12
and Hungary 201,331,336,338
Italian Communist Party 278,280,293-4
Italian partisans who freed German prisoners 271-2
and Jews 201,202
ministries targeted by 333-5
in Poland 338
postwar gains 66,278-9,335-6,367-8
in Romania see Romania/Romanians:communism
Soviet control over European Communist parties 314
Spanish 273
Stalin’s postwar regime 71,314,339 see also Stalin,Joseph;Stalinization of Romania 327-30
and the subjugation of Eastern Europe 331-9
treatment of Communists by‘democratic’countries after the war 359-64
and the US 363-4;Truman Doctrine 313
use of Justice Ministry 323
violence as an opportunity for 367-8
Yugoslav Partisans 251,252,253-61,296,311-12,374-5
concentration camps 20,22,49,50,78-93,125 see also slave-labour camps
archipelago of German camps 95
conditions 78-9,81-3,84-6,88;gradations of hardship 96;in Poland 135-41
death marches from 82-3
discovery of 78-88
liberation of 78-93
the new‘extermination camps’of Poland after the war 135-44
revenge of Jewish prisoners 88-93
conscription 66
Cooper,Duff 148
Cortés,Manuel 357
Cosenza 293
cosmopolitanism 266,267
Cossacks 254
Coventry 6
crime 46
looting see looting
sexual 52;rape see rape
theft 44-7,107-8 see also looting
towards prisoners of war after the war 126 see also vengeance:on German prisoners of war
violent 48-51,126 see also violence
youth crime 58
Crimea 221-2,371
Tatars 221,346,371,372,376-7
Crisp,Major R. 58-9
Croatia/Croatians see also Yugoslavia
and the Bleiburg tragedy 252-62
collaborators of the Nazis 158
and ethnic conflict in Yugoslavia 251-62,374
German-Croatian fighting after orders to surrender 113
massacres 20-21;in the Bleiburg-Maribor area 260
nationalists 162,264
Serbs vs Croats 70,251,262
ultra-nationalists 162
Ustashas see Ustashas
Croix-de-Feu 284
crucifixions 75
The Cruel Sea 61
Csákvár 53
Curierul 323-4
cynicism 49
animosity to Gypsies 370
black market 48
collaborators of the Nazis 155-6
and the Communists 63,331-2,335,336,337,338;Communist heroes 63
covering of ethnic problems 249
displaced persons 27
farmers 67
food rationing 37
Germans in Czechoslovakia after the war 126-35;expulsion 233-4,243,370-71
and Hungary 248
Interior Ministry 333-4
Jewish flight 208
Lidice massacre 22-3
and Marshall Aid 314
Ministry of Information 334
re-Slovakization 248
renaming of places and streets 245
resistance 159
rural changes 67
Theresienstadt 89
Częstochowa 203
Dachau concentration camp 83-4,94,181-2
Daily Express 58-9
dairy produce 34,47-8,199,202
The Dam Busters 61
Danzig 231
Dark,Philip 7-8
David,Josef 131
Davies,John Rhys 221
De Gasperi,Alcide 279,291
de Gaulle,Charles 64,147,158-9,166-7,279
death camps see concentration camps
death marches
and the Bleiburg tragedy 254-60
from concentration camps 82-3
Decima Mas 149
dehumanization 105,109,118,145,155,263
Demianova,Genia 53
Democratic Army of Greece(Dimokratikos Stratos Ellados,DSE) 311
attraction of women to German men 166
babies born with German fathers 172
collaborators of the Nazis 145,147,148,149,154,156
Communists 278
heroes 63
Jews 20
resistance 149
shaving of women’s heads 170,171
Dessau,Max 91
and the landscape of chaos 69-72
moral see morality/moral destruction
physical 3-11;in cities 3-8;in rural communities 8-10;of transport infrastructure 10,39
Dimitrov,Georgi 338-9
Dimokratikos Stratos Ellados(DSE) 311
Dingolfing camp 244
displacement xvi,9,21,27-33,70,72 see also refugees
cynicism of displaced persons 49
displaced children see children:dispłaced;orphans
displaced persons camps 24-5,40,102,103,105-6,107-8,208,209;Jewish 192,209
through ethnic cleansing see ethnic cleansing
Jewish displaced persons 89,189-211 see also Jews
and the‘Iiberation complex’104-6
military control of displaced persons 101-4
relief and rehabilitation of displaced persons 106-8 see also UNRRA(United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)
and repatriation 27,32,70,101-2,105,106,193;forced 220,221-4,238-40,248
and the revenge of slave labourers 97-101
Truman’s special DP directive 208
violence of displaced persons 49
Djilas,Milovan 264,339
Dnepropetrovsk 38
Domažlice 130
Dorfman,Baruch 205
Doris,Nikos 308
Doris,Sotiris 307-8
Doris,Vassilis 307-9
Dortmund 7
Drakulić,Slavenka 66
Drama 50
Dresden 8
Drohobycz 18
dropsy 36
Drtina,Prokop 131
Druhm,Mr and Mrs 30-31
DSE(Democratic Army of Greece) 311
Duisburg 7
Durlacher,Gerhard 195
dysentery 85,115,120,128,140
EAM(National Liberation Front) 296-301,302-10,312
East Brandenburg 231
East Prussia 21,39,52,54,230,231,238,377
Eastern intolerance 266-8
Eden,Anthony 172
EDES(National Republican Greek League) 303
eggs 34,48,199,202
Ehrenburg,Ilya 80,118,367
Eindhoven 192
Einsiedel,Heinrich von 120-21
Eisenhower,Dwight 82,83
EKKA(National and Social Liberation) 303
ELAS(Greek People’s Liberation Army) 296-301,302-8
Emilia-Romagna 283
‘Red Triangle’/‘Triangle of Death’285,289
Emmerich,Wilhelm 85
Endoume 170
Esser,Heinz 142
anti-Soviet resistance 344,350-51,352,353,357
collectivization of farms 355,356
death toll in war 16
ending of the war xv
ethnic cleansing
of collaborators 145-62;Italy 146,147-8,149-53
expulsion of the Germans 230-48,232,370-71;and a cleansed landscape 247-8;and eradication of German culture 245-6;and‘home’to the Reich 242-5;human reality of 234-42;total expulsion 245-7
extent of(1945-47) xvi
Holocaust see Holocaust
the Jewish flight 189-211
local massacres/holocausts 20-23,50,75-6,130,212-14,222,259,305;Postoloprty 130;Ústí nad Labem 130
of Poland and Ukraine 212-29,370;forced assimilation 224-9;forced‘repatriation’221-4;Operation Vistula 224-8,229,370,372,373;origins of Polish/Ukrainian ethnic violence 214-19;Soviet solution 219-21
and wartime choices 187-8
Yugoslavia 249-65,369;and the Bleiburg tragedy 252-62;historical background 251-2;as a symbol of pan-European violence 262-5
Etkind,Michael 206
European East/West differences 266-8
European polarization in the Cold War 359-64,361
European Recovery Programme(Marshall Plan/Aid) 69,313,314,362
European territorial changes(1945-47) xii
extermination camps see concentration camps
Extraordinary Courts of Assize,Italy 152-3
Faludy,György 201
famine 34-40,70 see also food:shortages/rationing;starvation
and moral destruction 41-8
farmers 20,32,35,90,294,302,330,341,354,355-6
and the black market 45,47-8,67
and collectivization and expropriation of farms:in Estonia 355,356;in Lithuania 355-6;in Romania 328-9
Farri,Umberto 287
Fascists 70,375
1930 Fascist Penal Code 152
Iron Guard 319,323
and the Italian purge 146,147-8,149-53,156,161
violence against 50
Ferioli,Ferdinando 287
FFI(Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur) 167-8,171-2,273
Fini,Gianfranco 374-5,376
Allied Control Commission 332,333
Communists 278
destruction in 9
Interior Ministry 334
and Marshall Aid 314
FitzGibbon,Theodora 65,66-7
Fiume xiv
Flemings 249
Fog,Mogens 63
cannibalism 85-6,120
dairy produce 34,47-8,199,202
German diet 36-7,38-9
riots 39,40,101
shortages/rationing 34-40,70 see also malnutrition;starvation;and the black market 47-8,67 see also black market;denial of food 117,119-20,138-9,140,143;Hungary 201-2;and moral destruction 41-8;in prison camps after the war 137-8,140;in prisoner-of-war camps 115,119-20
Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur(FFI) 167-8,171-2,273
‘Forest Brothers’341-58
France/the French
aristocracy targeted by Communists 284
black market 47-8
clergy targeted by Communists 284-5
collaborators of the Nazis 146,147,148,149,150,154,156,158,159,161
Communists:choice for Soviet Union over France 279;ejection of 362;and the myth of the communist‘Iost victory’291-2;PCF (Communist Party)280;and political violence 280-83,284-5,287,289-90,291-2;postwar gains 278;reaction to 289-90;targets 281-5
death toll in war 13
destruction in 6,10
displaced persons 27
ending of the war xv
French masculinity 166-8
French prisoners of war 96
and French women’s relationships with German soldiers 166-72
German prisoners of war 113,122
industrial liberation 67-8
Jewish return 194,195,196
labourers on‘obligatory work service’96
massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane 22
myths 161;of national unity 158-9,273
police targeted by Communists 281-3
rape 52
Resistance 22,50,148,161,167-70,171,180,273,285,374;areas liberated in August 1944 by 281-3,282
shaving of women’s heads 170,171
theft 45
vagrant children 24
Vichy see Vichy/Vichyites
violence 22,50
Francs-Tireurs et Partisans(FTP) 168,281-3
Frank,Peter 91
French Communist Party(PCF) 280
Friedland 243
fruits 34
FTP(Francs-Tireurs et Partisans) 168,281-3
Fuhrmann,Johann 139
Galicia 218,219,222-4,225,228-9
gang rape 53,54
gangs 24,46,97
Garmisch 192
Gasperi,Alcide de 279,291
Gęborski,Czesław 139,142,144
General Democratic Resistance Movement(BDPS),Lithuania 350
Geneva Convention,Third(1929) 111,253
Georgescu,Teohari 320-21,323
Allied Control Commission 332
British treatment of SS men 86-7
death toll in war 12-13
denazification process 155,160
destruction in 5,7-8
displaced persons in 28-32;DP camps 24-5,40,102,103,105-6,107-8,192
eastern 21,88,120,230,315,337;population increase 243-4
establishment of Federal Republic 160
farmers 32
food shortages 36-9
foreign workers 27,96 see also slave labour
German civilians/people:amnesties for 120,155;children 55,58-9,132,236;in Czechoslovakia after the war 126-35;death toll 12-13;dehumanization 118;diet 36-7,38-9;displaced persons 21,27-8;driven from parts of eastern Germany 21;ethnic Germans 130,183,188;expulsion of the Germans see ethnic cleansing:expulsion of the Germans;foreign women married to Germans 174-5,177-8;guards 29,31,50,80,84,87,89-90;hatred of 70;homelessness 8;policemen 99-100,102;pregnant German women in Poland 236;rape of German women 54,55,56,98;shock on seeing Belsen 87;stereotypical image of 159-60;teenagers 58-9;treatment throughout Europe after the war xv;violence against xv,50;Volksdeutsch and the inversion of power 125-44;women with‘foreign’children 55
German prisoners of war:American-held 113-16,121-4;British-held 122-3;in Czechoslovakia after the war 132-5;freed by Italian Communists 271-2;French-held 113,122;in the new‘extermination camps’of Poland after the war 135-44;official death toll 122;Soviet-held 113,116-21;vengeance on 111-24
German soldiers 30,37 see also Nazis/Nazism;and the Bleiburg tragedy 252-62;fathering babies born to foreign women 164,172-4,175-8;internment of 23;rape by 53;vengeance on women who had relationships with 163-72;in Warsaw 4
looting in 44,46,97,98-9
moral destruction 42
Nazis see Nazis/Nazism
and Poland 377-8;1970 treaty and subsequent relations 377-8;Germans in the new‘extermination camps’of Poland after the war 135-44;Poland’s expulsion of Germans 230-42 232,370-71;Polish and Czech propaganda about Germany 245-6;Polish border of Germany 230-31
rape in 54,55,56,98
and Russia 9;Russian women raped by German soldiers 53
slave labour in see slave labour
and the Soviet Union 9-10;German prisoners of war 113,116-21;and racial ideology 366
war orphans 24,25
Gheorghiu-Dej,Gheorghe 319,329
Glatz prison 138
Gliwice/Gleiwitz prison 138
Gofman(a Red Army soldier) 76
Gomułka,Władysław 338
Gontarz,Szmulek 90
Gore,Margaret 48
Görlitz 240
Gottwald,Klement 331-2,336
governments of national unity 64
Grabin 139-40
Grąziowa 226,229
Great Britain see Britain
The Great Escape 61
areas under partisan control(1944) 297
black market 48
British influence in Greece 295-6,298-300,309,310
and Bulgarians 70;Bulgarian massacre of Greek communities 21,50
civil war xv,295-314;and American isolationism 313;brutal treatment of the population under the right 359-60;Communist resistance 296-8,297,300-309,310-12;defeat of communism in Greece 309-12,360;deportations 359-60;effects on Europe 312-14;government-backed militias 360;persecution of Communists/left-wingers 359;and subsequent Soviet control over European Communist parties 314
collaborators of the Nazis 147-8,149;Security Battalions 303,305,306,309-10,312
Communist Party 296-8,305,311-12
death toll in war 16
Democratic Army of Greece(DSE) 311
destruction in 9,10
EAM(National Liberation Front) 296-301,302-10,312
EDES(National Republican Greek League) 303
EKKA(National and Social Liberation) 303
ELAS(Greek People’s Liberation Army) 296-301,302-8
island prison camps 359
looting 44
National Guard 299,309-10
Papandreou’s‘government of national unity’298-9,309-10
postwar unrest 71
rural destruction 9
Soviet influence in Greece 295,296-9
starvation 35,37
violence 50,360
White Terror 310
Greek Communist Party 296-8,305,311-12
Greek People’s Liberation Army(ELAS) 296-301,302-8
Grinberg,Zalman 181-2
Gross Heydekrug 75
Grossman,Vasily 18-19,54,118
Groza,Petru 319,321,322,324
Grüben 139-40
Gruschka,Gerhard 136-7
Guiga,Stasys 356-7
Gullo,Fausto 293
Gutman,Israel 88
Gypsies 80,82,187,248,249,369,370
Hadzis,Thanasis 298
Hallett,Jack 84
Halłstein,Walter 65
Halter,Roman 189-91
Hamburg 7
firestorm 12-13
foreign workers 96
juvenile delinquency 58
Hanau 98
Hanover 7,98-9
hatred 64,70,201,250,262,267,366,367-8,369,376,377,378
Haukelid,Knut 62
Heerlen 42-3
Heidesheim camp 115
Helfgott,Ben 89,203
Heli 305
Henry,Derek 28,97-8
The Heroes of Telemark 62
heroism,cult of 61-3,162
Hersh,Arek 91
Heydrich,Reinhard 22
Himmler,Heinrich 9-10,51,79
Hirt,August 81-2
Hitler Adolf 4,9,79,363
Hitler Youth 58,135-6
Hlond,August 206
Hof 30
Holborow,Richard 169-70
babies born with German fathers 172-3
collaborators of the Nazis 145,146,149,150,154,156
cult of heroism 63
destruction in 10
famine 35-6,37
Jewish return 193-7
moral destruction 42-3
resistance 149,159,173,193-4
rural destruction 8-9
shaving of women’s heads 170
Holocaust 17-20,79-83
death camps see concentration camps
local massacres/holocausts 20-23,50,75-6,130,212-14,222,259,305
refusal to acknowledge 143-4
scepticism about 81,82,195
homogeneity 22
Hondius,Dienke 195
hope 60-68
brotherhood,unity and 63-5
and the cult of heroism 61-3
and social changes 66-8
Hopkins,Harry 71
Horní Moštěnice 130
Hrastnik 261
Huberman,Alfred 91-2
Hulme,Kathryn 40
Allied Control Commission 332,333
animosity to Gypsies 370
anti-Semitism 199-203,369
British/Soviet influences 295
Budapest see Budapest
collaborators of the Nazis 146,158
and the Communists 201,331,336,338
and Czechoslovakia 248
death toll in war 16
destruction in 10
expulsion of the Germans 247
improvements for peasants 67,68
Interior Ministry 333
Jewish flight 208
Jewish return 195,198-203;and anti-Semitism 199-203,369;and property 197,198-200
land reform 67
massacre of Serbians 21
postwar hardship 201-2
reactionary nationalism 369
and Russians 46
and Slovakia 247-8,369
Smallholders Party 333
and the Soviet Union:and postwar hardship 201;Soviet treatment of Hungarian women 53,55
theft 46
treatment by Red Army after the war 119
ultra-nationalists 162
hunger 34-40 see also starvation and moral destruction 41-8
Hunting,Ray 39-40,100-101
communist-nationalist struggle of 279,362-4 see also Communists/communism;nationalism
Nazi 58-9,64 see also Nazis/Nazism
racial 64,246-7,250,263,351 see also ethnic cleansing;race
Second World War as a war of 366-7
and tyranny 301-2
Ikaria 359
Ill Met by Moonlight 61
illegal trading see black market
internment 23,128
Czechoslovakian detention centres after the war 128-35
intolerance,Eastern 266-8
Iron Guard 319,323
Islam see also Muslims,and Yugoslavia 251
Isola 294
Israel 93,182 see also Palestine;Zionism
Istria 261
Italian Communist Party(PCI) 278,280,293-4
1945-46 map 286
2005 commemoration ceremonies 374-5
Allied Control Commission 332
aristocracy targeted by Communists 283-4
clergy targeted by Communists 285
Communists:ejection of 362;and the myth of the communist‘lost victory’291-2;and political violence 280-81,283-4,285-7,288-9,290-91,292;reaction to 288-91;targets 285-7;total activists 278
Court of Cassation 152-3
destruction in 10
displaced persons 27
Extraordinary Courts of Assize 152-3
factory bosses targeted by Communists 283
food shortages 39
Jewish return 194
Jews 20
northern:Communists 290;displaced persons camps 102,103,208;industrial liberation 67-8;industrial power inversion 283;purge on Fascists 149-53;reaction to Communists 288-9,290-91;shaving/shearing of women 170-71;violence 49,50,150-51;workplace opportunities 67-8
and Pansa’s Il sangue dei vinti 161-2
prisoners of war 96
purge on Fascists 146,147-8,149-53,156,161
resistance 161-2,290-91
Risorgimento 277
Rome see Rome
southern xiv-xv,8,151,276-8,288,293-4,334,362;agricultural reform 293-4,362;land occupation by peasants 277,186,293-4;moral destruction 41-2,43,45-6;Naples see Naples;purge on Fascists 151
Soviet-held prisoners of war 119
vagrant children 24
village uprisings against the state 276-7
violence 50
and Yugoslavia:2005 commemoration of atrocities 374-5;expulsion of Italians from Yugoslavia 248
Jarosław 222
Jasenovac 252
Jaworzno camp 226
Jerusalem 211
Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,American 192,107
anti-Semitism,extermination and loss of:Baltic partisans and anti-Semitism 351-2;and blood libel 199-200,204;British postwar anti-Semitism 211;in Croatia 20-21;death camps see concentration camps;Holocaust 17-20,79-83 see also Holocaust;in Hungary 199-203,369;and the Jews as capitalists 202;and the Jews as Communists 201;in Poland 203-7,215;and the postwar Jewish flight 189-91,199-211;postwar resurfacing of anti-Semitism xvi,189-91,192,199-209,369-70;in Ukraine 215-16;Volhynian Jews 215-16;wartime violence throughout eastern Europe 49
displaced persons camps for 192,209
flight 189-211;Brichah movement 207-9;to Palestine 208-11,210
honourable treatment of 20
Nazi stereotypical image of 187
and Palestine 92,93,208-11
property 68,197-200
return 191-200,206-7;and fight over property 197-200;France 194,195,196;Holland 193-7;Hungary 195,197,198-203;Italy 194;to Palestine 208-11;and postwar myths 196-7;USA 195
sheltering and rescuing of 20
survivors 19-20,49,88-93;‘Avengers’92;playing down of vengeance 181-2;revenge of Jewish prisoners 88-93;rights 94;violent behaviour of freed Jews 49,88-93
victimization after the war xvi
Jodl,Alfred August 113
Joint Distribution Committee 192,207
Jovanović,Dragoljub 336
Judt,Tony xvii
Justice Ministry 323,334
juvenile delinquency 45,58
Kabai,Eszter Toth 199
Kaławska 243
Kalibová,Miloslava 22-3
Kaljurand,Ants 350-51
Kálmán,Balázs 199
Kalniškës,battle of 341-5,358
Kamnik 261
Katyn 111
Keizer,Frank 195
Kennan,George F. 7,313
Kharkov 6,38
Khrushchev,Nikita 120
Kielce pogrom 204-6
Kientopf,Anna 235-7
Kientopf,Annelore 235
Kiev 6,38
Kiselev,Salman 76
Klappholz,Kurt 91
Klaus,Václav 371
Kleitso 304
Kliachkivs’kyi,Dmytro 217
Klimasz,Anna 225
Kłodzko prison 138
Knoller,Alfred 90-91
Knorr,Karl August 54
Kočevje 260
Koenig,Pierre 167
Kohn,Alexandre 195
Königsberg 50
Koopman,Rita 195
Kopelev,Lev 54,57,76
Korwin,Marta 104
Kostakis,Panayotis 308
Kostov,Traicho 338
Kostrzyn Odrzański 237
Kovaly,Heda 67
Kovner Abba 92
Krakaj,Franjo 256-7
Kraków 204
Kramer,Josef 84
Krasnaya Zvezda 79,117,118
Krasnopol’ye 76
Kratsov,Second Lieutenant 76
Kruglov,Sergei 346
Kudeňíková,Marie 63
Kunmadaras 198,199-200,200
Kurnedz,Pinkus 89-90
Küstrin 237
Kuti,Ferenc 199
Laar,Mart 350
Labanauskienë,Eleonora 346
labour camps see slave-labour camps
Laila,Tove 176-7
Lama Mocogno 285
Lamb,G. H. 99
Łambinowice/Lamsdorf camp 138-44,373
land reform 67
Lane,Arthur Bliss 221,233
Lapland 9
Lasko 261
Latvia 16,342,346
anti-Soviet resistance 344,352,355
deportations 355
Le Havre 6
League of German Girls 58
Leclerc,Philippe 167
Leino,Yrjö 334
Leipzig 245
Łemkos 222-3,225,227,228,229,370
Leningrad,siege 38
Leo,Fritz 85-6
Levi,Primo 10-11,193
Levine,Joseph 207
Lévis-Mirepoix,Duc de 184
Lewis,Norman 41-2
lice 136,140,226
Lidice massacre 22-3
Lieberman,Celina 19
Lipin,Lieutenant 348
Lisbon Treaty 371
Lithuania 16,220,222,341,342,367
anti-Soviet resistance 341-58
battle of Kalniškës,341-5,358
BDPS(General Democratic Resistance Movement)350
collectivization of farms 355-6
deportations 355
ending of the war xv,367
‘Iron Wolf’ regiment 351
Jews 18,19
Soviet terror 345-50
Ljubljana 260
London 266
looting 44-7,97,98-9,119,377
anti-Semitic 200-201
shooting of looters 101
Lorgeril,Christian de 284
Lotnik,Waldemar 218
Lübeck 243
Luca,Vasile 321
Lufotposten 173
Lukša,Juozas 347,351,356
Partizanai 357-8
Luxembourg 362
Lwów 220
Lyon 167,283
Lysaker Bridge 62
Machuswerder 234-5
Magyars 70
Mainz 7
Majdanek concentration camp 78-80,81
Makó 201
Makronisos camps 312,359
malaria 39
Malinova,Hedviga 369
malnutrition 39,140,226 see also famine;starvation
Maniu,Iuliu 316,319,327,363
Manus,Max 62
Manzoni counts 283-4
margarine 34
Maribor 254,257-60
Mariental 243
Markov,Georgi 365
Markulis,Juozas 350
La Marseillaise 170
Marseilles 6
Marshall,George C. 363-4
Marshall Plan/Aid 69,313,314,362
Marxism 363
Masaryk,Jan 337
Maschke Commission 122
Maschke,Erich 116
masculinity,French 166-8
Mašin,Josef 63
Mayne,Richard 65
McCarthy,Joe 364
McCloy,John 81
McCormick,Anne O’Hare 234
meat 34
Mecklenburg 21
Medolla 285
Melissa 294
Memmingen 192
Mendoń,Bronisława 204
Metgethen 75
Mezzogiorno peasants 294
Michael of Romania 316-17,320,322
Mielcarek,Henryk Jan 223
Mihalache,Ion 327
Mikołajczyk,Stanisław 220
Milan 150,288
vagrant children 24
Milice 285
milk 34
Millions Like Us 34
Minsk 6,18
Mirotti,Ferdinando 287
Miskolc 201,202
Moch,Jules 290
Molotov,Vyacheslav 112
Monasterace 277
Monnet,Jean 65
Montenegrins 252,260
Montgomery,Bernard 108
Moon,A. G. 101
Moorehead,Alan 43,45-6,98
morality/moral destruction 41-59,365-6
and the black market 37,38,45,47-8,67,107-8,202
and children 57-9
and dehumanization 105,109,118,145,263
in labour camps 97-8,135
looting,theft and 44-7 see also looting;theft
and prostitution 41-3
and rape 51-7,75 see also rape
sexual 41-4 see also rape;in labour camps 97-8
and the treatment of prisoners of war 111-24,134 see also prisoners of war
and vengeance see vengeance
and violence 48-51 see also vengeance
Morel,Salomon 135,136,144,226
Morgan,Sir Frederick 49
Morgenthau,Henry 123
Moroccan troops 52
Moscow 268,295
Mosley,Leonard 98-9
Mõttus,Aksel 357
Mōttus,Hugo 357
Mulde,river 31-2
Müller,Jens 62
Munich 8
Murphy,Robert 241
Murrow,Edward R. 67
killed in the Bleiburg-Maribor area 260
massacres 20-21
in Yugoslavia 251
Mussolini,Benito 8,162
corpse 146
mutilation 75,128,146,161,213,222-3,263
Mykonos 35
Mysłowice camp 143
of the communist‘lost victory’291-2
conflict of 372-3
and the cult of heroism 61-3,162
national/nationalist mythology 245,371-8
of national unity 63-5,158-9,160,196,272-3
postwar myth-making 158-62,196-7,371-8
Nacht und Nebel camps 81-2
Nagy,Ferenc 333,337
Nagy,Imre 363
Najduch,Rozalia 225
Naples 39
moral destruction 41,43,45-6
vagrant children 24
National and Social Liberation(EKKA)303
National Committee for Repatriation 239
National Democratic Front(NDF)320,322-3,324
National Liberation Front(EAM)296-301,301-10,312
National Peasant Party,Romanian 316,318,319,320,322,324-7
newspaper,Curierul 323-4
National Republican Greek League(EDES)303
national unity
myths 63-5,158-9,160,196,272-3
Papandreou’s‘government of national unity’298-9,309-10
nationalism see also resistance movements
Baltic States xv,340
Croatian nationalists 162,264
Czechoslovakia 245-7
fascist see Fascists
and homogeneous states 229,248,370 see also ethnic cleansing
Hungarian reactionary 369
ideological struggle with communism 279,362-4 see also Communists/communism:anti-Communist resistance
national hatreds 70,376 see also race:racial/ethnic hatred;hatred of Jews see Jews:anti-Semitism,extermination and loss of
national mythology 245,371-8
National Socialism see Nazis/Nazism
nationalist fighting xv,21,340
Poland 245-7
Poles killed by Ukrainian nationalists 21,216-19,374 see also ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine
Serb nationalists 262
Slovenian nationalists 254,260,264
and the Soviet cause 268
Ukrainian nationalists 21,162,215-19
ultra-nationalism 162,215,262
violence as an opportunity for 368-9
Natzweiler-Struthof camp,Alsace 81-2
Naumann,Marie 54
collaborators with see collaborators of the Nazis
death camps see concentration camps
Holocaust 17-20,79-83 see also Holocaust
identity cards 187
ideology:and German teenagers 58-9;mirrored in British press 59;of racial hatred 64
legacy of ethnic hatred 267
Lidice massacre and destruction 22-3
and Polish/Ukrainian ethnic violence 215-16
practices mirrored in treatment of Germans after the war 132-4 see also vengeance
and Prague 126-7
propaganda 52,77,192
starvation policy 35-8
treatment of SS men on camp liberations 83-4,86-7,89-90,91,92
trials 160
NDF(National Democratic Front)320,322-3,324
Neifalta,Albina 343
Nejedlý,Zdenĕk 131
Nemmersdorf 75,77
Netherlands see Holland
New York Herald Tribune 81
New York Times xiv,325
Nicolski,Alexandru 323
Nîmes 285
Nissen huts 72
NKVD 54,218,332
and Kaljurand(‘Ants the Terrible’)350-51
and Lithuania 346-9,356;battle of Kalniškës,343-5
Toszek prison 143
Nonantola 285
Nordhausen concentration camp 82,83
children born with German fathers 173-4,175-8
Citizenship Act(1950)177-8
collaborators of the Nazis 147,148,149,154-5,156
Communists 278
cult of heroism 62
destruction in 9,10
food rationing 37
resistance 62-3,149,159
War Child Committee 174,175,176
women who married Germans 174-5,177-8
Nosek,Václav 333-4
Nossack,Hans Erich 12,13
Novick,Peter 171
Nuremberg trials 160
Obuchowski,Berek 181
Ødegård,Ørnalf 176
Odessa 8
Odjel za zaštitu narodna 250
‘Odysseus’(ELAS band leader)303-4
oedema 36
Ogrodzinski,Zbigniew 21,45
Ohrdruf concentration camp 82,83
Olsen,Oluf 62
Oniferi 277
Operation Swallow 243
Operation Vistula 224-8,229,370,372,373
Oradour-sur-Glane 22
Organisation de l’Armée Secrète 281-3
Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists(OUN)215-16,217,219,223
orphans 23-6,57
born in foreign countries to a German father 164,172-4,175-8
Orthodox Church 328
Oslo 174
Osóbka-Morawski,Edward 207
Ossowska,Marilka 31-2
Osula 353
OUN(Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists)215-16,217,219,223
Ózd 201
Padover,Saul 28
Palestine 92,93,208-11 see also Israel
Pamiers‘People’s Tribunal’284
Pankrác prison,Prague 130
Pansa,Giampaolo 161-2
Papadimitriou family 308,309
Papadimitriou,Vassiliki 307-9
Papadimitriou,Yorgos 308
Papandreou‘government of national unity’298-9,309-10
Paris 147,167,356
cosmopolitanism 266
Peace Conference 248
Paris-Tourcoing Express derailment 290
Pastuhov,Krustu 336
Pătrăşcanu,Lucreţiu 317,323,338
Patriotic Guards,Romania 320,323
Patriotic Militia,France 147
Patton,George 82
Pauker,Ana 321
Pazúr,Karol 130
Pazzano 277
PCF(French Communist Party)280
PCI(Italian Communist Party)278,280,293-4
peace,fragility of 69-72
Peasant Republic of Caulonia 277
pellagra 39
Peloponnese 296,304-5,306-9,310
Penescu,Nicolae 319,326-7
Petkov,Nikola 337
Pieck,Wilhelm 243
Pierre,Commandant 281,283
Pius Ⅻ 24,71
Placanica 277
Pluto,Stanislav 212
Podkamień 216-17
Podutik 260
animosity to Gypsies 370
Armia Krajowa 222,332
border change and separation from Ukraine 219-21
civil war xv see also ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine
Communists 338
death toll in war 16
destruction in 3-5,10
displaced persons 27,29,40,105-6,107
ending of the war xv
ethnic cleansing of Poland and Ukraine see ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine
and Germany 377-8;1970 treaty and subsequent relations 377-8;expulsion of the Germans 230-42,232,370-71;German border of Poland 230-31;Germans in the new‘extermination camps’of Poland after the war 135-44;new territories 21
Home Army(AK)3-4,222,332,336
and Jews 18,19;anti-Semitism 203-7,215;emigration/flight 207,208;Jewish property 197-8,200
looting 44
middle class 68
Ministry of Propaganda 334
new ‘extermination camps’ after the war 135-44
origins of Polish/Ukrainian ethnic violence 214-19
Ostarbeiters 96
Poles at Auschwitz 80
Poles killed by Ukrainian nationalists 21,216-19,374 see also ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine
population fall 21-2
Public Security Service(UBP)135
racial hierarchy 187-8
renaming of places and streets 245
starvation 37,38
vs Ukrainians 21,50-51,70
war orphans 24-5
Warsaw see Warsaw
Polcz,Alaine 53
political violence 264-5 see also civil war
in France and Italy 280-94;and the reaction 288-91;targets 280-88
in Yugoslavia 264
Pomerania 45,54,231,234-5,377
Postoloprty massacre 130
potatoes 35
Potsdam conference/Agreement 132,142,234,242
Powayen 75
industrial power inversion in northern Italy 283
vengeance and the inversion of 109-10,125-44
Práce 131
Prague 126-30,179
Local National Committee poster(1945) 133
Pravda 79,80,117
Prcela,John 254
prisoner-of-war camps 80,94,113,114-20,125,261
Czechoslovakian detention centres after the war 128-35
prisoners of war
American 27,96
British 27,96
camps see prisoner-of-war camps
French 96
German:American-held 113-16,121-4;British-held 122-3,132;doing forced labour after the war 132-5;in the new‘extermination camps’of Poland after the war 135-44;Soviet-held 116-21;vengeance on 111-24,132-41
Soviet 38,80,96
and the Third Geneva Convention 111
propaganda 3,77
British 87-8
Nazi 52,77,192
Polish and Czech propaganda about Germany 245-6
Polish Ministry of Propaganda 334
Soviet 80,118
prostitution 41-3,146
Pruitt,Albert C. 83,84
Psarros,Dimitrios 303
Public Security Service(UBP,Poland)135
rabbits 34
ethnic cleansing see ethnic cleansing
nationalism see nationalism
racial/ethnic hatred 64,70,201,250,262,267,366,369,376
racial/ethnic purity 188,215,366 see also ethnic cleansing
racial hierarchy 187-8
racist ideology 64,246-7,250,263,351;of Ukrainian partisans 351
Second World War as a war of 365-7
and Western and Eastern tolerance 266-8
Rădescu,Nicolae 320-21,322,337
Rákosi,Mátyás 201,331,337
Ramadier;Paul 289
Ranković,Aleksandar 337
rape 45,75,98,138,146,161,172,183,233
gang 53,54
mass 51-7,183,236,310,360,369,377
Ravensbrück 22
Reach for the Sky 61
Red Army 6,18,21,27,53,67,331-2,339
in the Baltic States 341,343
discovery of concentration camps 78-80
and German prisoners of war 113,116-21
in Hungary 198
massacres in Germany 75-6
Poles in 218
rape 53,54,57,75
and Romania 315,316,330
Red Cross xvi,192
Bavarian 244
International Committee 122,132,242
packages 40,96
‘Red Terror’305
‘Red Triangle’/‘Triangle of Death’285,286,289
refugees 9,21,27-33,92,98,106,134,231-47 see also displacement;ethnic cleansing
Jewish 207,209 see also Jews:flight
Reille-Soult,Henri 284
Reinchardt,Mór 202
Remagen camp 114
repatriation 27,32,70,101-2,105,106,193
forced 220,221-4,238-40,248
National Committee for Repatriation 239
resistance movements 22,81,146,149,159,164-5,171
anti-Soviet/anti-Communist 63,290-91,340-41;‘Forest Brothers’341-58;Ukraine 340-41
Belgium 148,149
Communist 184,290-91;Greece 296-8,297,299,300-309,310-12
Denmark 149
France 22,50,148,161,167-70,171,180,173,281-3,285,374;areas liberated in August 1944 by 282
Holland 149,173,193-4
Italy 161-2,290-91
Norway 61-3,149
Polish Armia Krajowa 222
revenge see vengeance
Rheinberg camp 115
Rheinwiesenlager 114-16
Riace 277
Riesa 32
Rifnik 261
Rijeka xix
rioting 99-100
Bulgaria 370
death penalty for 101
over food shortages 39,40,101
Risorgimento 277
Rizzi,Antonio 285
Rizzi,Ettore 285
Rjukan 62
Robinson,Austin 7
Romania/Romanians 39,64,119,295
Allied Control Commission 318,332
collaborators of the Nazis 158
communism 315-30,335-6,337,338;August coup 316-18;and collectivization and expropriation of farms 328-9;and the dismantling of democracy 312-7;fight for power 318-22;Stalinization 327-30
democracy dismantled 322-7
expulsion of Romanians from Ukraine 248
expulsion of the Germans 247
Iron Guard 319,323
Jewish flight 208
Jewish property 197
land expropriation 329
and Magyars 70
Minister of Justice 323,334
Ministry of the Interior 319,323,325
National Liberal Party 316,324
National Peasant Party 316,318,319,320,322,324-7;Curierul 323-4
NDF(National Democratic Front)320,322-3,324
Patriotic Guards 320,323
press 321,323-4,327
and the Red Army 315,316,330
religious suppression 327-8
Serviciul Special de Informaţii(SSI)323
Siguranţa 320
Soviet treatment of Romanian women 53
Rome 39,290
vagrant children 24
Roosevelt,Elliott 112
Roosevelt,Franklin D. 76,81,111,112-13,123,110,295
Rosenberg,Mrs 200
Rosenblum,Chaskiel 89
Rostov 6
Rotterdam 37
Royal Air Force 300
Royal Navy 209
Rubin,Yvette 108
Ruigrok,Petra 173
rural communities
destruction in 8-10
farmers see farmers
alcohol 98
and Germany 9;Russian women raped by German soldiers 53
and Hungarians 46
and Jews:allowing revenge by Jewish camp survivors 90,91;anti-Semitism 189-91
Russian soldiers 32,see also Red Army;rape and violence by 54
Soviet control of 338
Rzeszów 204
Sabbe,August 357
Sacchetti,Walter 280
Sack,John 182
sadism 126,134,138,139-40,144,146,226,263,349 see also torture
Saint-Exupéry,Antoine de 23,166
Saint-Lô 6
Salò 151-2
Sănătescu,Constantin 64,316-17,318,319,320
Sanderson,BSM(soldier) 86-7
Sanguinetti,Félix 281-3
Santayana,George 375
Sardinia 277
Sartre,Jean-Paul 166
scabies 140
Schiff,András 369
Schindler,Oskar 20
Schio 153
Schmidt,Kurt 128-9
Schuetz,Hans 120
Schwerin 54,97
Schwientochlowitz camp see Świętochłowice camp(Zgoda)
Scînteia 321,323,327
Scobie,Ronald 298,300
Sebastopol 7
Secchia,Pietro 292
Second World War
as a British national industry 372
British war stories 61-2,372
civil wars bound up with see civil war
death toll 12-17,14-15;in death camps 82-5 see also concentration camps;extermination of the Jews 17-20 see also Holocaust;local massacres 20-23;starvation 35-40
destruction caused by see destruction;morality/moral destruction
displacement caused by see displacement ending of the war for different countries xiv-x,113,367 see also civil war
famine caused by 34-40,70
vengeance following see vengeance
as a war of ideology 366-7
as a war of race 365-7 see also ethnic cleansing;race
as wars within wars 271-4 see also civil war
widows and orphans of 23-6
Seddon,Reuben 97
Sedlis,Gabik 92
Serbs 20-21,374
and Croats 70,251,262
and ethnic conflict in Yugoslavia 251-62
Hungarian massacre of 21
killed by Ustashas 50,252
nationalists 262
Serviciul Special de Informaţii (SSI)323
sexual morality 41-4
in labour camps 97-8,138
sexual violence 52,55,56
rape see rape
stripping,and the shaving of women’s heads 164-72,180
Sholokhov,Mikhail 118,367
Siberia 355
Sicily xiv-xv,277,294
Silesia 45,52,54,231,234,245,246,377
Simonov,Konstantin 79,117-18
Sington,Derrick 85
Sinzig camp 114
slave labour 94-110
camps see slave-labour camps
and the displaced person’s ‘liberation complex’ 104-6
German prisoners doing forced labour after the war 132-4
and the issue of personal power 109-10
military control of freed labourers 101-4
relief and rehabilitation of displaced persons 106-8
revenge of slave labourers 97-101
slave-labour camps 49,80,82-3,94-6,97-8,135 see also concentration camps
new‘extermination camps’ in Poland after the war 135-44
collaborators of the Nazis 158
covering of ethnic problems 249
and Hungary 247-8,369
Jewish property 197
under partisan control 50
Slovenia/Slovenes 252,253,264
Slovenian Home Guards/National Army 254,260
Slutsk 10-11
Smallholders Party,Hungary 333
social reform 277-8
Britain 66-8,278
failures in 292,294
Sofia 334
Sokacz,Mikołaj 226,227
Solzhenitsyn,Alexander 54
Someş,election results 326
Soviet Union see also specific countries
anti-Soviet resistance 63,290-91,340-41;‘Forest Brothers’341-58;Ukraine 340-41
control over European Communist parties 314
covering of ethnic problems 249-50
death toll in war 16
destruction in 6-7,9,10
displaced persons 27
and Eastern intolerance 267-8
and Germany 9-10;and expulsion of Germans 230-31,240,243;German prisoners of war 113,116-21;and the Nazi genocide 78-80;and racial ideology 366
and Greece 295-9
and Hungary 201;Soviet treatment of Hungarian women 53,55
and Marshall Aid 314
Poland/Ukraine division and the extension of Soviet territory 220-21
and Poland’s expulsion of Germans 230-31
and Polish/Ukrainian ethnic violence/cleansing 214-15,218,219-29
postwar sphere of influence 295
propaganda 80,118
rape of foreign women 53,54,55,75
Red Army see Red Army
and Romania 315-30
rural destruction 9
Russia see Russia/Russians
Soviet prisoners of war 38,96;at Auschwitz 80
Soviet terror in Lithuania 345-50
Stalin’s postwar regime 71,314,339 see also Stalin,Joseph;Stalinization of Romania 327-30
widows and spinsters 24
Communists 273
food rationing 34
Sparks,Felix L. 84
Spiliotopoulos,Panagiotis 298
Spiro,Harry 91
spotted fever 140
Spottiswoode,Colonel 88
Spychalski,Marian 207
SSI(Serviciul Special de Informaţii)323
Stalag Luft Ⅲ camp 62
Stalin,Joseph 64,111-12,120,220,221,230,231,281,295,296,298,311,313-14,339,371
postwar regime 71,314,339;Stalinization of Romania 327-30
Stalingrad 6-7
Scanĕk,Tomáš 131-2
Stankovic,M. 255
starvation 35-40,70
amongst prisoners of war 117,119-21,128,140,143
and cannibalism 85-6,120
denial of food 117,119-20,138-9,140,143
and moral destruction 41-8
Stel’mashchuk,Iurii 217
Stettin 21 see also Szczecin
Stevens,John 150
Stevenson,Donald 323
Steyerberg 98
Stignano 277
Stilo 277
Stimson,Henry 81
Stockholm 45
Stojic,Mark 255
Stok,Bram van der 63
Strahov 128-9
Stránský,Jaroslav 131
strike action 154,289,290,314,321-2,335
Strongoli 294
Stroop,Jürgen 3
Stunde nul(‘Zero Hour’)xiv,xv
Sudetenland 244,245
sugar 34
beets 35
Surkov,Alexei 117
Švendriai 348
Swabians 247
Swallow,Operation 243
Sweden,looting 44-5
Świerczewski,Karol 224,227
Świętochłowice camp(Zgoda)135-8,143,373
food rationing 34
juvenile delinquency 45
Syntagma Square,Athens 299
Szczecin 234,242,243 see also Stettin
Szewczyk,Anna 226
Szewczyk,Teodor 227-8
Szkłarska Poręba 314
Tallinn 357
Tătărescu,Gheorghe 322
Tatars 221,346,371,372,376-7
Taus 130
Tehran conference 111,220-21,230,295
‘Telemachus’(a‘Death Battalion’commander) 304
La Terre Vivaroise 146-7
theft 44-7,107-8 see also looting
from Germans by Poles 237-8
of Jewish property 197-200
Theotokas,George 299
Theresienstadt camp 89,134,181
Thessaloniki 35,192,300
Thiele,Hannelore 54
Thorez,Maurice 280,292
Tito,Josip Broz 63-4,76,250
Tito’s Partisans 251,252,253-61,296,311-12,374-5
Tixier,Adrien 161
Togliatti,Palmiro 280,290,292
tolerance,Western 266,267
torture 50-51,82,126,130,134,135-7,138 139,146,150,161,183-4,222-3,226,263,281,284,285,304,305,306,328,346-7,359 see also sadism
Toszek NKVD prison 143
Toth,Zoltan 119,120
Toulouse 284-5,288
transit camps 94-6,125,226
Tre kom tilbake 62
Treblinka concentration camp 80
‘Triangle of Death’/‘Red Triangle’ 285,286,289
Trieste 374-5
Trikeri 359
Troyes 170
Truman Doctrine 313
Truman,Harry S.208,313,363
Trzcianiec 226
Trzebica/Trebnitz prison 138
Tübingen 52
tulip bulbs 35
Turin 150,283,288
Turks 248
typhus 85,87,137,140,142
UBP(Urzaęd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego) 135
anti-Communist resistance 340-41,352
assertion of ethnic rights 370
continued fighting long after the war 367
death toll in war 16
destruction 5,6,8,9-10
ethnic cleansing of see ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine
expulsion of Romanians from 248
homelessness 8
Jews 18-19
nationalist fighting with Soviet troops xv
origins of Polish/Ukrainian ethnic violence 214-19
Poles killed by Ukrainian nationalists 21,116-19,374 see also ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine
separation from Poland 219-21
starvation 38
ultra-nationalists 162
Volhynia see Volhynia
vs Poles 21,50-51,70
women raped by German soldiers 53
Ukrainian Insurgent Army(Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armiia,UPA) 216,217-19,222-4,228,267
Ulbricht,Walter 331
Uniate Church 328
United Kingdom see Britain
United Nations xvi,64-5,69
and the Jews in Palestine 211
Relief and Rehabilitation Administration see UNRRA
United States of America
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 192,207
American prisoners of war 27,96
attitudes and conduct towards the Germans 83;allowing revenge by Jewish camp survivors 91;expelled from Poland 241-2,243-4;killing of SS men whilst liberating camps 83-4;treatment of German prisoners of war 113-16,121-4
and the Communists 313,363-4
discovery of concentration camps 82-4
European Recovery Programme(Marshall Plan/Aid) 69,313,314,362
food rationing 34
and Greece 313
isolationism 313
Jewish return 195;help with emigration to Palestine 208
rape accusations against US Army 55
and Romania 325,326
scepticism about the Holocaust 81,82
Truman Doctrine 313
US troops 29,91
unity,national see national unity
UNRRA(United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) 27,30,59,48,49,94,102-5,106-10,192
UPA(Ukrainian Insurgent Army) 216,217-19,222-4,228,267
Urzaęd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego(UBP) 139
USSR see Soviet Union
Ustashas 20-21,50,251,252,253,255-7,260,262,263,267,366,375
Ústí nad Labem massacre 130
Vachon,John 5
Valenciennes 147
Varkiza peace agreement 300,310
VE day 64
celebrations xv
Velouchiotis,Aris 304,310
venereal disease 43,55,56,106
vengeance 83-4
amnesties on revenge killings 131,148
and camp liberation 83-93
on children 75-6,130,172-8
on collaborators,the enemy within 145-62;and the construction of convenient myths 158-62;and the failure of the purge across Europe 154-8;Italian purge on Fascists 146,147-8,149-53
on German prisoners of war 111-24,132-41;American-held 113-16,121-4;Soviet-held 116-21
on Germans in Czechoslovakia 126-35
and the inversion of power 109-10,125-44
Jewish playing down of 181-2
by Jewish prisoners 88-93
and the new‘extermination camps’ 135-44
and the politics of numbers 141-4
purpose of 179-84
by the Red Army in Germany 75-6
by slave labourers 97-100
thirst for blood 75-7
on women 75-6,128-9,130,138,163-72;shearing and stripping of women 164-72,180
Verderi,Giuseppe 283,287
Vetrinje see Viktring
Vichy/Vchyites 150,158-9,166-7,273,374
Vienna 11,39
rape in 55
Vienne 284
Viitorul 323
Viktring 254
Vilnius 355 see also Wilno
violence 48-51 see also destruction
amnesties on revenge killings 131,148
anti-Semitic see Jews:anti-Semitism,extermination and loss of
to babies/children 50,51,53,130,136-7,139,173,205,216
‘Balkan violence’ 262
Bleiburg tragedy 252-62
civil war see civil war;ethnic cleansing:of Poland and Ukraine;Greece/Greeks:civil war;Yugoslavia:ethnic conflict
against collaborators 50,145-7,149-51;judicial punishment 148-9,152-8
as a communist opportunity 367-8
crucifixions 75
culture of 140
death toll in Second World War see Second World War:death toll
ethnic cleansing see ethnic cleansing
against fascists 50
against German prisoners of war 111-24,132-41
Holocaust and local massacres see Holocaust
and the inversion of power 125-44
mutilation 75,128,146,161,213,222-3,263
as a nationalist opportunity 368-9
northern Italy 49,50,150-51
origins of Polish/Ukrainian ethnic violence 214-19
politically motivated see political violence
by the right in Greece 360
sadistic see sadism
sexual 52,55,56;rape see rape;stripping,and the shaving of women’s heads 164-72,180
Soviet terror in Lithuania 345-50
torture and beatings see torture
in vengeance see vengeance
White Terror,Greece 310
Yugoslavia see also Yugoslavia:ethnic conflict:by Communist Partisans 255-64,374-5;massacre sites(1945) 259;as a symbol of pan-European violence 262-5
Virgili,Fabrice 170
Vischi,Arnaldo 283
Vistula,Operation 224-8,229 370,372,373
Vojvodina 21,251
Volhynia 18,21
Jews 215-16
torture/killing 50-51,215-16,217-19
Voronezh 6
Voute,Peter 145
Vrettakos,Leonidas 306
Vries,Karel de 194
Vukovic,Dusan 262-3
Vyborg 7
Vyshinski,Andrei 320,322
Walloons 249,267
Walsh,William P.83-4
War Child Committee,Norway 174,175,176
Warsaw 8
destruction in 3-5,11
Jews 18
water 92,98,238,255
contaminated 235,260;plot to poison water supplies 92
freezing 136,137
lack/denial of 8,29,115-16,117,119,120,253
waterboarding 346
Weiss,George 115-16
Werth,Alexander 81
Western tolerance 266,267
White Terror Greece 310
widows 23-4
Wiesner,Zdeněk 85
Wildflecken camp 40,105-6,107
Wilno 18,120 see also Vilnius
Wola Ostrowiecka 216
Wolfsburg 98
Wollny,Günther 137
women 180
abortions 55,56
displaced 27
emancipation and voting rights in Greece 302
German:with‘foreign’babies 55;through marriage 174-5,177-8;pregnant German women in Poland 236
giving birth to children of German fathers 164,172-4,175-8
married to Germans 174-5,177-8
in Polish camps after the war 138,139-40,141
and postwar myth-making 161
rape of see rape
shearing and stripping of 164-72,180
at Strahov 128-9
treatment throughout Europe after the war xv
venereal disease 43,55,56,106
vengeance on 75-6,128-9,130,138,163-72,180
widows 23-4
Women’s Auxiliary Service,Italy 149-50
Woodhouse,Chris 302
World War ii see Second World War
Wrocław 233,245-6
Wysocko Wyżne 216
Xoxe,Koçi 338
Yalta conference/Agreement 112,132,221,231
Yugoslavia see also Croatia/Croatians
British/Soviet influences 295
Communist Partisans 251,252,253-61,262-4,296,311-12,374-5
and the conflict of myths 373
death toll in war 16
destruction in 5,9,10
ending of the war xv,113
ethnic conflict 50,249-65,369;and the Bleiburg tragedy 252-62;and covering of ethnic problems 249-50;historical background 251-2
expulsion of Italians 248
German prisoners of war 119
Hungarian massacre of Serbians 21
intelligence service 250,262
and Italy 248,374-5
massacre sites(1945) 259
politically motivated violence 264-5,369
positive assessment of the war 66
postwar unrest 71
rhetoric of brotherhood and unity 63-4,65
rural destruction 9
Soviet-held prisoners of war 117
as a symbol of pan-European violence 262-5
Tito’s victory speech 63-4
Ustashas 20-21,50,251,252,253,255-7,260,262,263,267,366,375
vagrant children 24
violence 50,250-64
Zagórzany 226
Zagreb 253
Zajec,Milan 261
Zaks,Karol 137-8
Zápotocký,Antonín 131
Zawadka Morochowska/Zavadka Morochivska massacre 212-14,222
Zdanowicz,Olga 226,229
Zengos,Theodoros 305
Žerjavić,Vladimir 260
Zervas,Napoleon 303
Zgoda camp(Świętochłowice) 135-8,143,373
Zionism 191,208-11
Zuckerman,Yitzhak‘Antek’ 207
Žuvintas 344
Zyklon-B 81