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这本小说源于我对《慕尼黑协定》的极致痴迷,这种痴迷可以追溯到三十多年前。我要感谢Denys Blakeway,1988年我与他一起制作了BBC纪录片《上帝保佑你,张伯伦先生》(God Bless You,Mr Chamberlain),以纪念慕尼黑会议召开五十周年。从那时起,我们两人一直对这个话题保持着一定程度的迷恋。

在德国,我在Heyne Verlag出版社的朋友Patrick Niemeyer和Doris Schuck帮我安排了前往慕尼黑的调研。我尤其要感谢Alexander Krause博士,在他专业的引导下,我们参观了曾经的元首行馆,现在的慕尼黑音乐表演艺术学院(他是该学院的院长)。同时我还要感谢巴伐利亚州内政部允许我参观希特勒在摄政王广场的故居,这里现在被改建成了警察总局。

在英国,我要感谢唐宁街10号的政治秘书Stephen Parkinson和外交部首席历史学家Patrick Salmon教授。

我又一次有幸能从四位精明的“第一读者”的建议和支持中受益。感谢伦敦Hutchinson出版社的编辑Jocasta Hamilton。感谢纽约Knopf出版社的Sonny Mehta。感谢我的德语翻译Wolfgang Müller。和往常一样,我还要向我的妻子Gill Hornby致以最深切的感谢。

我要感谢以下作品的贡献:John Charmley,Chamberlain and the Lost Peace;Jock Colville,The Fringes of Power:Downing Street Diaries 1939-1955;David Dilks (editor),The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan;Max Domarus,Hitler:Speeches and Proclamations,1935-1938;David Dutton,Neville Chamberlain;David Faber,Munich 1938:Appeasement and World War II;Keith Feiling,The Life of Neville Chamberlain;Joachim Fest,Albert Speer:Conversations with Hitler’s Architect;Joachim Fest,Plotting Hitler’s Death:The German Resistance to Hitler 1933-1945;Hans Bernd Gisevius,To the Bitter End;Paul Gore-Booth,With Great Truth and Respect;Sheila Grant Duff,The Parting of the Ways;Ronald Hayman,Hitler and Geli;Nevile Henderson,Failure of a Mission;Peter Hoffmann,German Resistance to Hitler;Peter Hoffmann,The History of the German Resistance 1933-1945;Peter Hoffmann,Hitler’s Personal Security;Heinz Höhne,Canaris;Lord Home,The Way the Wind Blows;David Irving,The War Path;Otto John,Twice Through the LinesThe Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel;Ian Kershaw,Making Friends with Hitler:Lord Londonderry and Britain’s Road to War;Ivone Kirkpatrick,The Inner Circle;Alexander Krause,No. 12 Arcisstrasse;Klemens von Klemperer (editor),A Noble Combat:The Letters of Sheila Grant Duff and Adam von Trott zu Solz 1932-1939;Valentine Lawford,Bound for Diplomacy;Giles MacDonogh,1938:Hitler’s Gamble;Giles MacDonogh,A Good German:Adam von Trott zu Solz;Andreas Mayor (translator),Ciano’s Diary 1937-1938;Harold Nicolson,Diaries and Letters,1930-1939;John Julius Norwich (editor),The Duff Cooper Diaries;NS Dokumentationszentrum,München,Munich and National Socialism;Robert Rhodes James (editor),Chips:The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon;Richard Ollard (editor),The Diaries of A. L. Rowse;Richard Overy,with Andrew Wheatcroft,The Road to War;David Reynolds,Summits:Six Meetings that Shaped the Twentieth Century;Andrew Roberts,‘The Holy Fox’:A Biography of Lord Halifax;Paul Schmidt,Hitler’s Interpreter;Robert Self,Neville Chamberlain;Robert Self (editor),The Neville Chamberlain Diary Letters,Volume Four;William L. Shirer,Berlin Diary;Reinhard Spitzy,How We Squandered the Reich;Lord Strang,Home and Abroad;Despina Stratigakos,Hitler at Home;Christopher Sykes,Troubled Loyalty:A Biography of Adam von Trott;A. J. P. Taylor,The Origins of the Second World War;Telford Taylor,Munich:The Price of Peace;D. R. Thorpe,Alec Douglas-Home;Daniel Todman,Britain’s War:Into Battle 1937-1941;Gerhard L. Weinberg,The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s Germany,1937-1939;Ernst von Weizsäcker,Memoirs;Sir John Wheeler-Bennett,The Nemesis of Power:The German Army in Politics 1918-1945;Stefan Zweig,The World of Yesterday:Memoirs of a European

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