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1. 刘世锦.GFP及其驱动的经济增长[ J ].管理世界,2015(10).

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3. 刘世锦,等。陷阱还是高墙?[M].北京:中信出版社,2011.

4. Michael Spence, The Next Convergence: the Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World, New York: Farrar, straus and goroux, 2011.

5. Comparing Chinese Provinces with Countries: All the Parities in China, The Economist,2012.


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2. 魏后凯,李玏,年猛。“十四五”时期中国城镇化战略与政策[ J ].中共中央党校(国家行政学院)学报,2020(4).

3. Halpern,L.,M. Koren,and A. Szeidl,“Imported Inputs and Productivity,” American Economic Review,vol.105,NO.12,2015,pp.3660-3703.


1. Mazzucato, M. The Entrepreneurial State – Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths,Anthem Press, 2013.

2. McKinsey Global Institute. China and the World: Inside the Dynamics of a Changing Relationship,July, 2019.

3. Wei, Shang-Jin, Zhuan Xie, and Xiaobo Zhang. From “Made in China” to “Innovated in China”: Necessity, Prospect, and Challenges[J]. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 31, Number 1,Winter 2017,Pages 49-70.

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5. 蔡昉。创造与保护:为什么需要更多的再分配[ J ]. 世界经济与政治,2000(1).

6. 黄勇。论中国竞争政策基础性地位的法治保障[ J ]. 经贸法律评论,2018(12).

7. 黄涛,郭恺茗。科技创新举国体制的反思与重建[ J ]. 长沙理工大学学报:社会科学版,2018,33(4).

8. 普莱斯·费希拜克,斯坦利·恩格曼,等. 美国经济史新论:政府与经济[ M ]. 张燕,郭晨,白玲,等,译。北京:中信出版社,2013.

9. 钱颖一. 市场与法治[ J ]. 经济社会体制比较,2000(3).

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